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Dorp Hotel

Dorp Hotel

As we round off the month of March, we are enjoying a little armchair travel and virtual escapism on the blog today – ideal given our current lockdown and something I consider myself to be very good at. It’s no secret I am an avid traveller. One that is just a little more than besotted with exceptional restaurant design and beautiful hotel interiors.

Today we’re going local with The Drop Hotel, located in Bo Kaap Cape Town. With its panormanic views, rambling roof gardens, backyards, front stoeps, veggie shed and fairytale gardens, Dorp is fast becoming a popular destination for an unpretentious clientele who appreciate its quirky nature.

Dorp HotelDorp HotelDorp Hotel

Dorp prides itself with being somewhat old-fashioned in their approach and style (on their website they encourage you to “please ring them and speak to a real person at
the end of a real telephone”) decorating the spaces in an “antiquey” and eccentric fashion with bold fabrics and prints, clawfoot bathtubs, beautiful wallpaper and colourful doors and shutters.

Dorp Hotel Bo KaapDorp Hotel Bo KaapDorp Hotel Bo Kaap

We feel today is the perfect day to sit back on one of those comfy looking sofas and lose ourselves in a good book for most of the day!

Dorp Hotel Bo KaapDorp Hotel Bo KaapDorp HotelDorp Hotel Bo KaapDorp Hotel Bo Kaap

Images | Dorp Hotel

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