It’s easy to get lost in our dreams of a new kitchen. Gorgeous cabinetry, endless countertops, gleaming appliances, and The reality is that even if we do get the opportunity to makeover our kitchen, most of us have small kitchen spaces to work with. This doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice you dreams.
Image via Habitus Living
By far the most important element to consider is finding the right type of kitchen layout that works for you and the space available in your home. A gorgeous kitchen with a terrible layout will not work.
Think about how you use the kitchen… are you regularly cooking for 1,2 4, or 6 people, or are you warming up takeout on the fly? Key pieces like your fridge, stove and sink should all be easily accessible, and ideally with countertop space next to each one for daily use.
Walk yourself through your new kitchen plan as if you were making a meal and cleaning up afterwards. Think about what you need and where you ideally want it. Make notes and compare it to your proposed kitchen plan. Every little detail counts when it comes to planning the space.
Images via Decouvrirlendroitdudecor
In a small space all the little details become more obvious, so pay them some attention. From cabinet hardware, backsplash design and appliances, ensure every little element speaks to the overall design plan and is something that you truly love.
Image via Pinterest
We all know that in small spaces storage is always the first thing to go. While ample storage is something we all want in our kitchen, remember that too much cabinetry can make a small space feel heavy and crowded. Consider alternatives such as glass doors on your cabinets or open shelves if you can handle it.
Images via Meg Cassidy
Separate your lighting options into working and prep lighting, with different ambient lighting for setting the mood. If you don’t have space for hanging pendants, or are worried they will crowd what space you have, consider wall lights for added interest. Recessed lighting on the ceiling is a no brainer for the overall brightness in the space.
Image via Bloglovin
There’s no rule on which colour to choose to make your kitchen feel bigger, brighter, warmer or welcoming, but once you decide on your chosen colour – stick with it. A consistent colour palette unifies the space and is more inviting.

Images via Coca Lapine Design
Yes, we said it again. In a small kitchen, choose your displayed accessories with care. Standard items like your blender, kettle, toaster should all be stored away from your kitchen countertop. Less clutter will make the space feel more open. Make sure that anything you want displayed performs double duty as a functional element and one that is beautiful too.

Image via Meilakotona