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Get an organised kitchen

It’s not going to come as a surprise that there are a few organised beings (OCD much?) on our team. And as much as we love to create beautiful spaces, we are just as passionate about bringing order to the chaos in people’s lives. The two are directly related and go hand-in-hand.

The kitchen is a space where most people spend a lot of time, and having an organised kitchen can pass on the feeling of an organised mind and life. That Marie Kondo is onto something! So it goes without saying that organising your kitchen is one of the best places to start when sorting, decluttering and tidying your home.

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Whether you are planning a new kitchen build, a partial renovation, or are just needing some inspiration to tackle those cupboards, then this post is for you!. We’ve got seven sure fire ways to get your space organised and neat.

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Buy wisely and decant

If your kitchen storage space is a bit on the small side, be selective about what you buy in bulk. Ideally only purchasing bulk of items you use on a daily basis and are more likely to run out of. Remember that boxed items are filled with air, the contents of which would take up a lot less space if decanted into clear stackable containers. 

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Declutter the countertops

If you find that your countertops get cluttered quickly, you probably have more stuff than you have space for. This means only one thing – purge!

Go through your kitchen drawers and get rid of duplicated, redundant, broken, worn out or unused items. Especially Tupperware, which seems to be everyone’s favourite kitchen  accessory to hoard. This will free up valuable cupboard space for the items cluttering up your countertops.

Another tip is to take note of what the main culprits of clutter are, and purchase a nice basket to house these items in a designated spot. 

Get an organised kitchenGet an organised kitchen

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Prioritise kitchen items

Think about what is essential to store in the kitchen and what could be stored elsewhere. For example, dinnerware, napkins and glasses could perhaps be housed in a cabinet or sideboard in the dining area. 

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Find creative ways to store and label well.

Whether it’s stackable clear plastic containers, glass jars or wire baskets, getting creative with your storage solutions and keeping them well labelled will inspire you to get things neat and organised, and keep them that way! It also makes it obvious to everyone in the house where things should be stored, so there really is no excuse for everyone to get on board with keeps the space tidy.

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To Display Or Not To Display

They say a kitchen is the “heart of the home”, which means most people entering your home will see or spend some time in your kitchen. Make an organised and styled impression by only showcasing items that you find both beautiful and functional. So the rule is – only things that you want to look at (and want others to look at) that also serve a purpose should be on display. 

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Go Vertical

Vertical storage is the most practical solution for items such as muffin tins, trays, chopping boards and even those pesky Tupperware lids. 

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Make Items at the Back Easier to Reach

Lazy susans, carousel and sliding cabinet drawers make seeing and reaching items at the back of cabinets much easier. They are relatively easy to install and allow you to utilise all the space in your cabinet. 

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